Quality Management

Proven quality management programs
Promation has built a very robust supply chain with vendors who meet the exacting standards of the defence, automotive and nuclear sectors and has maintained conformance with its quality management programs to properly support its each division customers worldwide.
Through the successful implementation and mature establishment of our quality management programs, Promation has proven our ability time and again to deliver the highest and most reliable quality services and products, as evidenced by the attainment and retention of our numerous 3rd party accredited certifications and registrations.
Promation Nuclear Ltd. has world class nuclear quality management systems in place to meet even the strictest nuclear codes and standards:
- CSA N285.0 General Requirements for Pressure Retaining Systems and components in CANDU Nuclear Power Plants (U.S Equivalent ASME N, NPT, NS Type (and Material Organization) ASME Quality System Certificate Holder)
- CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code
- CSA N286 Management System Requirements for Nuclear Facilities
- ASME BPVC Section III, Subsection NCA-4000
- ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications
- ASME B31.1 code for Pressure Piping
- ASME B31.3 code for Process Piping
- 10 CFR Appendix B Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants
- CSA N299.1 Quality Assurance Requirements for the Supply of Items and Services for Nuclear Power plants, Category 1
- CAN/CSA ISO 9001 Quality Management System Requirements
- Welding in accordance with CSA W59.
Certified Excellence:
- CSA N285.0 - Certificates of Authorization
- CSA B51 - Certificate of Authorization
- CSA N299 - Certificate of Registration
- CAN/CSA ISO 9001 - Certificate of Registration
- As a global leader in advanced automotive automation, Promation is third party registered to ISO 9001 and meets all local regulatory requirements.
- CAN/CSA ISO 9001 - Certificate of Registration
- Welding in accordance with CSA W59.
- CAN/CSA ISO 9001 - Certificate of Registration
- Welding in accordance with CSA W59.
Canadian Controlled Goods Program (U.S Equivalent: International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR))
- 541330 – Engineering services
- 333310 – Commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing
- 332710 – Machine shops
Special industry machinery
- 3693 Industrial assembly machines
- 3695 Miscellaneous special industry machinery
Research & development
- AE30 R&D: Manufacturing technology
- AE34 R&D: Manufacturing technology-engineering development
Quality control
- H136 Quality control services/Special industry machinery
- H139 Quality control services/Materials handling equipment
- H236 Equipment and materials testing services/Special industry machinery
Metalworking machinery
- 3417 Milling machines
- 3419 Miscellaneous machine tools
- 3438 Miscellaneous welding equipment
- 3460 Machine tool accessories
Materials handling equipment
- 3910 Conveyors